Yes she does! They come to the small kitchen patio sseking food which is always there aplenty then they peck vigorously on the slifing glass door glass...knock, knock...knock...knock! Fur-Rr_Ee Queen-of-Kats looks over at her new friends from the water bowl and slowly walks to the open screen door. The jays, two each, stare but do not move from their perch near the door on the edge of a long planter. Fur-Rr_Ee slowly creeps through the door onto the tile of the patio and stops. She looks towards the birds and they sit there looking back, no motion from either party.
Then with a loud Squawk! The birds leap to the small tile table and stare down at Furry on the ground below them. A challenge! Come get us! Let's play! Squawk! And they fly to the garden a few feet away amidst the dry and dead grasses and branches broken off from the line tree. Furry creeps low to the edge of the patio and stops, the birds squawk again! Furry weinds up her rump like Kats do...and off sher goes paws flying in the air to grab one of the ellusive jays. Without success she stops to reset herself back on the patio above the "ring" where all the action happens. Then the birds fly down again and Furry once again winds up her rump and away she goes! Amazing! This has gone on now for the last week or so, the birds are seen here about this time of year but rarely does one see interaction like this between species. Hopefully I'll get to capture some of these shenanigans before the birds head further south.