Scientists have described "Nuclear Winter" since the 1950's I believe. Now we are on the threshold of the accopolypse in our lifetime. In the 50's Kelly and I experienced such doomsayers week after week, day after day...dive under our desks, Conelrad warnings weekly, pictures often of nuclear bomb explosions. Driven scared by our governments and the media of the time. Then it waned, we became immune and bored of the whole prospect. Mutual Assured Destruction became the operating words of the day and after the fall of the Soviet Union we basked in the glow of a peaceful (non-nuclear threat) existence. That was then, now we have two persons of like attitude, Mr. Trump and |Mr. In who are staring down each other with the power to do great damage to our world by their words alone. Enough said, perhaps, to lead the other to go ahead with missiles and nuclear destruction of an unprecedented kind. North Korea is threatening to send 4 missiles towards Guam where the US maintains both a Naval and Air Force Base and many support personnel. Guam is a US territory. Mr. Trump uses the site to expand his presence and explain his political positions. I find it childish and inane for our POTUS to behave as such a child would do. Threatening North Korea through his Tweets is irresponsible and utterly immature and in-American in my opinion. He is, by this act, inviting North Korea to act on ntheir threats and endanger every American citizen. He is supposed to be protecting you and I and he swore to it with his hand on a Christian Bible, do you feel protected? I certainly do not.