Friday, August 12, 2011

Working Ourselves To The Bone...

Today we went AT the former "Blue Room", no longer Blue, it is a wonderful,
bright and mind boggling mix of light green and a dark red. It is
absolutely beautiful, fun to look at and USE as the Public Potty downstairs
in Maison Blanche. Truly spectacular to anyone familiar with the dreary old "Blue Room" that served as the guest potty when we did dinners. Tomorrow night our guests the BROWNS, will likely be blown away by how wonderful the space has become.

We have to go North to Issodun to the L'Clerc Supermarket for the veal and
beef that I need to make the Cannelloni that I'm making for the dinner
tomorrow night. I grind my own filling for Cannelloni and need good veal and beef to accomplish the filling (along with Ricotta Cheese and Nutmeg).
It'll be quite a dinner after last nights Indian Extravaganza the Browns and their daughter-chef Sarah presented to us. It was absolutely fabulous!
Many delicious courses and each stood on it's own, very impressive. A memorable dinner indeed!

We got the devise for the roof repair on Maison Blanc, a mere 4500 Euros.
Gasp! I expected a great deal less, perhaps 1200 or so but labor here is
expensive and there is no way I can do any of the patching and replacing.
The roof is 3 stories up, steep and without sheeting, a dangerous task best
left to those who know what they are doing. Expensive and necessary and a
hell of a lot cheaper than replacing the entire thing would be!