Friday, March 09, 2012

Conversations, a Place.

A speakeasy, no sign, no lights, gotta know which door to approach on a quiet street and know the person that answers the door or flash your card. Hot, hot, hot! Blues in all it's form. One great venue for late night carousing.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Early Spring...A Visit From Afar

Hi World, I'm back. So what you may say. Ok, I can accept that mild report but really the last three to four days have been wonderful in many ways. The highlight, besides the amazing spring-like weather, has been the arrival, stay and departure of our eldest enfant Ashley. She is bound out for the Right Coast to live for a long while we hope. She was bubbly and happy as a butterfly on a red poppy. Her truck loaded down with her meager (in amount) household goods and enough maps and electronic aids to get her there in a most timely manner. She is a DRIVER! She likes driving and is damned good at it with a nearly perfect driving record over a 25 year timespan. He Toyota truck is long in the tooth at 12 yrs of age and 200K miles but sounds really healthy and all mechanicals were checked and new oil and filter at the same time. We had a ball this weekend, she all talkative and cheery as she could be about her new Beau and new life-to-be. Terrific, we ate Mexican and drink enough beer to fill the 50 gallon recycling container by Sunday afternoon. Mike and the kids came by Saturday evening, we fed them too and had a virtual laugh-a-thon til about 9 pm when the energy level flattened and everybody slowly drifted away and quiet fell on the house once again. It was only a prelude to Sunday morning on the warm (70 degrees f,) deck eating waffles and chortling with Mike, Jessica, Jordan, Audrey, Ashley, Kelly and I. A blast! The rest of the day was a technological exposition of Tom-toms, various smartphones, tablet discussions and musing about maps and Googling locations for hotels and eateries for Ash on her way east. More Mexican food for dinner for the four of us as Mike and the kids had to get back to Petaluma for s movie and a date for Jordan (13) and girlfriend and Jessica sitting rows and rows away 8-). So fun! We all sat around the table and talked and talked, I crept upstairs to get our of the estrogen laced atmosphere a bit and hadn't been here 5 minutes when Kelly called me down so they wouldn't miss me! Ohhhhhhh. Soon Ashley began to yawn as did I and we called it a night at about 8:30! LOL!! We all drifted off to sleep somewhere and prep for this mornings departure of Ashley. She was up and out to go next door to shower and collect her "stuff" and came in just as I woke up for the 2nd time, we had a small earthquake about 6am that woke me with a loud "BOOM!" and a little vertical shake, nothing much so I just went back to a tornado any day! Up coffee, cleanup last nights dishes then I was joined by Kelly and we all helped Ash get organized and packed into the trusty Toyota for takeoff. She pulled away from the curb at exactly 9am bound out towards Modesto to pick up Hwy 99 instead of freeway 5 south and then on towards the California Border about 600 miles southeast of here by tonight she thinks. Like I said she is a DRIVER! I'll report her progress as she writes or emails us through the next few days and YES her "friend" in the east is monitoring her constantly by smartphone and settling her into hotels and motels along the way. Cheers!