Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gotta Write Something!

Just gotta! All it takes is a degree of know, sign on,put in that damned password and start in...but it is SOOOOO hard sometimes. I dry up. Not that this place isn't as interesting as France (it isn't), it just is so very different in so may ways. The people...lots of differences there, just as friendly but they are all moing faster and seem to have less time for you. Many, many different nationalities and races, far more than our nearly all white French experience in remote Lignieres. The political season has caused people to stump for thier candidate of choice even at the grocery checkout stand. I. of course, am an Obama fan...he will be GREAT! McCain is a real patriot, that I will hand him. Alas, there are no new ideas from the "maverick McCain and Palin" duo. They sound like Bushies and I think we've had quite enough of that political disaster thank you! Let Obama scre it up for a while. I wouldn't want that shitty job that's for sure. Economy in the toilet, wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, national debt at an all time high, foreclosures, a general bad attitude about us the world over and our hegemony among the world nations is in a not so sudden decline. But there IS some good personal news for me, my medical checkup at Kaiser was a winner! Good test results from every orfice! Whoopee! AND...I have managed to write to my long lost grandchild K who is 17 and was taken from me before I could get to know her by yet another divorce. Shit! Anyway, she wrote back and I have done likewise and now I have 5 GC's! Sooo cool!
So why don't I seem to fret over the financial condition of my bloody country? Well poopsie...I can't do one damned thing about it except suffer the inevitable crash of crashes can I? Do I own stock? Oh yes and between Kelly and I we have LOST 14,000 USD from our IRA's (Individual Retirement Accounts) to date...more to come probably.
If we bail out we will lose that money without a doubt. If we stay then the dividends will roll over quarterly and we will be buying more of the now cheapened shares. You know the drill. So we will tighten the belt, eat, drink and be merry with our friends and observe the disaster as it unwinds before us. Patience is called for at times like these.
The there is my good friend Woodslug, he emailed me after weeks of silence saying he needs a new motherboard for his computer. I have asked why he thinks this is so but haven't recieved a reply YET. Gads. Life goes on.
Bye for now,