Little kids this time, 20 at the last media count. What to do about this plague? Who do we blame this time? The Monster perp, the monster's girlfriend? His parents or parent? The fact that he is a he? His gun? The bullets? The manufacturers of the weapons we can all buy from anyone it seems? The lack of mental health testing at puberty? The lack of free anger management classes? The ease of availability of weapons such as those he used to perpetrate this heinous crime and then relieve society of it's obligation to try and punish him by killing himself. I propose he got the sequence wrong. Should have taken himself out FIRST! Not the innocents that suffered their fate at his hands.
If we quit selling guns, manufacturing guns, allowing possession of guns there are STILL millions available to anyone with enough cash to claim one either from friends, acquaintances or gun runners like in 3rd world countries. We as a society were insane to allow this scourge in the first place. Just because you CAN have a gun doesn't mean you should. Testing should come FIRST...mental testing and a thorough background check, both, not just one or the other. A LONG Mandatory waiting period to allow the slow grinding wheels of bureaucracy to answer many questions about the buyer. Ban all sales of guns except through licenced FFL holders. No issuance of any more FFL's. No more kits to convert semi-auto guns into fully automatic ones. No bullet components for sale, no powder, no lead, no bullets or casings. No loading equipment. No extended clips and magazines, no stock replacements. No hollow point bullets, only jacketed round nosed. What else do you want on your gun control list? It would take a century to get these factored into our gun crazed and violence infected society. I know it and you know it. How do we build safe schools from events such as this?
A simple metal detector might have stopped this one, but I don't know. I'm out of ideas.
If we quit selling guns, manufacturing guns, allowing possession of guns there are STILL millions available to anyone with enough cash to claim one either from friends, acquaintances or gun runners like in 3rd world countries. We as a society were insane to allow this scourge in the first place. Just because you CAN have a gun doesn't mean you should. Testing should come FIRST...mental testing and a thorough background check, both, not just one or the other. A LONG Mandatory waiting period to allow the slow grinding wheels of bureaucracy to answer many questions about the buyer. Ban all sales of guns except through licenced FFL holders. No issuance of any more FFL's. No more kits to convert semi-auto guns into fully automatic ones. No bullet components for sale, no powder, no lead, no bullets or casings. No loading equipment. No extended clips and magazines, no stock replacements. No hollow point bullets, only jacketed round nosed. What else do you want on your gun control list? It would take a century to get these factored into our gun crazed and violence infected society. I know it and you know it. How do we build safe schools from events such as this?
A simple metal detector might have stopped this one, but I don't know. I'm out of ideas.