About what? Well the damned Casey Anthony Almost Trial that wrapped up yesterday. The public thinks she's guilty of course, the prosecutors are sure of it, the jurors thought not and sent her home to "Party ON" as best she can. Oh, the lies you say...so what? Time served will handle those quite nicely. The Tape, the body location, the smell from the trunk, her stupid explanation of where her little girl was that month, the Nanny took her...sure, all of that and a hundred bits more but the prosecutors blew it...Time of Death? Manner of Death? Tape...? I dunno, guess it wasn't enough. Did she drown? Chloroform? In the car? On the body?! (after 6 months lying in a ditch?) Aw it stinks. A BAD DAY for the justice system and a bad day for all of us that thought she was Guilty As Charged. We were wrong...or wronged.
Then there's Obama's War...you say "Which one?" I dunno...try one of these, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and how many more unnamed places are being "warred" by our fine government, police-to-the-world military? He promised to shut them down, to get our troops out etc. etc. ad nauseum. Not yet. Libya? A new place to play in the sand. I'm not happy. Obama's not left enough for me. And the gutless American public won't go into the streets to force him to take notice. Oh well.
The dolts of the Republikan Parti...who to choose, Trump, Bachmann, Palin (cough) and 1/2 a hundred more wanabees? What a joke they have become that Party of No. No Sense, No Glory, No Hope, No Reliable Candidate, No Votes.
And they OWN the House now. Good God! There's always the Tea Parti! I joke of course. I'll vote for Obama just to watch them die.
Exxon Valdez in Yellowstone River system. Just a few pints, only a few paltry fish, no big deal. Just a fine (maybe) and little slap on the hand of the Corporate Giant that can't get it Right anywhere and anytime.
The Maid's Big Mouth. IMF guy can't even get a square piece of ass these days without some blabbermouth letting on about it...the Maid of course.
Wow, the French aren't happy with our treatment of him and now they have their own case...can't keep it zipped up I guess. Shouldn't have told her his name, the fool...should have said "John".
Enough for today's examination of stupidity on these fronts, I'm sure there's more to come.