Hello dear foodies, today I'm going to give you the recipe for my Inside Ribs, just about the best ribs made in an oven that you can imagine. What! You say, cook inside?! In an OVEN?...No way! Got to be in a BBQ at least or an open fire. Well if you live in Northern California in the winter or Seattle or Portland or a thousand other places around the world any other time and face wind, rain, sleet and snow then you NEED this recipe! Simple steps will lead you to the most tender, moist and flavorful ribs you might have ever eaten and you might even abandon that BBQ on some of those good ol' warm days for the cleanliness and convenience of this recipe.
Here goes:
Ribs, bone-in, pork rack or babyback ribs. Beef Ribs will work as well. Rinse and Pat Dry.
Salt, 1 Tablespoon
Pepper 1 Tablespoon ground
Cumin, 1 Tablespoon ground
Red Pepper Flakes 1 teaspoon
Cut rack(s) in half in person sized portions, 5 - 7 rib bones. Cut along bone.
Salt and Pepper liberally, rub in cumin and red pepper on both sides. Cut thru silverskin on opposite side between each bone.
Wrap each portion of ribs in Aluminum foil, seal as well as you can.
Place in baking pan (to retain juices) and bake in 350 degree oven for 2 hours.
Remove from oven, remove from aluminum foil, handle carefully as they will want to pull apart or the meat may fall off of the bone. Drain juices from aluminum foil and the pan into a bowl and retain.
Coat your ribs with you favorite BBQ sauce, ketchup, marinade, hot sauce and return in pan to the 350 degree oven to finish (approx. 30 minutes. Continue to cat as you see the surface dry or darken.
Remove from oven and allow to cool 10 minutes, slice individual ribs from each portion and plate.
Serve with green salad and/or french fries.
Good eating!