Friday, December 16, 2016

Babbling Fool!

"You're having a bad dream!" Kelly's voice out of the blackness, again "you're Having a BAD DREAM!"  I kick the door again throwing the devilish bastard off balance again!  Then I awake panting like I've been in a fight, tension, visions, terror!  WTF!  Awake now I think, what kind of demented shit was THAT?! Damn!  Strapped down in a hospital bed next to a wall, in a room by myself with a double door to the outside?!  Thru the little pair of windows I can see a shape, a figure, man or woman ducking behind a giant saguaro cactus amidst a desert scene out of some old cowboy movie...WTF is right!  He's coming to do something and I don't know what,  but my brain, on it's own now not held down by mere consciousness, is busy with kicking the door shut in his/her/it's face as he/she/it tries to get through.  I kick again and again and yell at the phantom for all the reality of this nightmarish dreamland. Damn!  WTF is right!? 

Up to a pleasant, cool and quiet morning, no sounds of rain on the roof, no nightmare will get ME!  Off to blog it into word-stuff and entertain my dear readers if there are any left.  It's been a long blight this time, months in actuality.  Too much, too fast for words that take time to type and explain the meaning of.  A break, a vacation was taken.  Needed. 

So my son, Red, has moved bodily to Texas.  Now that is a MOVE for a man-child (He's almost 50 after all) and has now disconnected from California for the first time in his life.  Permanently I suspect.  Don't all Californians who move out-of-state KNOW they are coming back one day?  Sure they do.  It's harder to come back that it is to leave, a truth.  Texas is exciting though, he's got a new job in a new place, living in a new town, under new circumstances.  Exciting no matter where it is.  That effect is part of Kelly and my own sense of adventure.  The newness.  The awareness of one's freedom to experience joy in another scene from the Movie Of Life.  As good as that is, coming Home is always good too, never spoiled by the "somewhere else". 

Of all my children Red was the one I figured would never leave, and now he has.  That leaves Rosie and Aim to hold down the fort, certainly an able pair.  All the others live away from the state of their birth.  We are now represented in Arizona, South Carolina and Texas.  Grandchildren, yes, we have a few.  A step-grandchild and Great Grandchild in Oregon, another GC in Texas now about to go somewhere else for the winter like Michigan I think, or Alaska (Brrrrr for both!" A Jordan in University in California, Kaylee in nearby California wearing many hats, many occupations, much busy-ness, a Lute in there somewhere running wild!

Off to get another cafe espresso.  See you later!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Rain, The Homeless and US

Rain nearly every hour of every day, soggy local world of ours.What ever happened to the drought?!  When we returned from our trip east the soil was parched and plants dry and looking burnt.  Now everything is green and lush, looks like Ireland for chrissakes! And we're STILL on mandatory water rationing!

Last night (Wednesday evening) we met the Cheif of Police along with about 70 others and discussed how we deal with the homeless and criminal elements in our community.  They are everywhere in our local area, camps have been set up in out of the way places throughout Suisun.  Along with these camps we have the typical mess that they make and the petty theft issue that seems to come along with them.  Many stolen bikes, anything left outside the house is open game to be pilferred.  Many ideas were presented but somethings stood out and could be accomplished without adding people or money to the mix.  Old Town Suisun is DARK. There just is not enough lighting to the streets and alleyways.  This is a really easy fix, repair the street lights that are out and/or add lighting to each property where it would do the most good.

Some of the homeless are really homeless, an economic situation that has grown and grown with the globalization efforts in this and every other country...some people just get unemployed and their lives unravel to their and our detriment.  Then there are the druggies, homeless or not they infest the streets and gather in some of our homes to buy, sell and take various currently illegal drugs.
Methamphetamine, heroin, crack cocaine are but a few.  Add to this the sundry criminals that are dropped off by the CDC (California Department of Corrections) via Greyhound bus at our trainstation doorstep in their grey sweatshirts and white travelling bags; they wander the streets trying to sort out the next victim and/or crash pad.  We have California Proposition 47 to thank for that population.  here's the details of that wonderful mistake: California Proposition 47, Our Mistake  Nice mix all of these.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Yes, I know, June the 4th was the last entry in this boringly silly blog of mine.  We departed Portugal after spending 6 beautiful weeks in the condo at Sao Rafael just west of Albufiera.  A glorious place indeed!  We left by another route north of Albufiera and entered Spain passing many hill towns and medieval castles along the way.  No snow this time, just sunny and cool diagonally through Spain towards Andorra and in the distance not too far, our lovely France.

Once home in Lignieres, we settled in for the balance of our summer's stay.  Much weeding of the courtyard and we were forced by the Lilac Tree of ancient age falling over, it's heart of rot gave up the ghost.  I cut it up for the most fragrant stove wood I've ever had.  Minor repairs here and there and the typical day trips to places we've not yet been, some VERY close to Lignieres but somehow hidden and missed.

The Kats, Mucca and Cara, had a ball running around Maison Blanche,  Cara caught a couple of wayward mice but pickings were few and far between.

We never did contact our Electrician so that work remained unfinished.

We LOST our car registration form which meant we couldn't get the car inspected until it was replaced.  I enlisted the help of an online service that issues replacement auto paperwork but that had not come by the time we departed for California in mid-August,  so we will have to take that up when we return. eh!

Bye for now, I'll be trying to blog more, we'll see how I do. Here are a few pictures of Summertime 
France for you.