Jezz, don't we have enough problems without going to these extremes? The Tea Baggers are soooo out of it, tearing apart the poor woe-be-gone Republicans at every chance and fronting the good Moose Killer to do their pleading or is it bleating?
Gads, it would be funny if it wasn't so stupid. The baggers, themselves mostly dis-enfranchised Republicans or Libertarians gather here and there and create a mini-media stir at the time but what's the DIRECTION they are going? They say they don't want to be a 3rd Party in the US, they say they are anti-Big Government but most all of the organizations they seem to affiliate themselves with are run by the Big Corporations and/or all the rich eletes or ex-Bushies. It takes BIG money to front a political movement afterall and some direction even if it is all old hat crapola from the last Republican presidency. My neighbor is a bagger, listens to all the hot air that spews for from Rush and FoxNews that he can, he sounds off as though he has recorded their mad anthems and HAS to play them all back to me when he sees me.
It's boring, it's someone else's stuff and I don't give a damn, I have a rental to fix and move into and a house here to do up for it's new renters whomever they are.
Then these militia guys...they took up space on this morning as they were busted by various organizations for plotting and conspiracy, 9 of 'em were handcuffed and led off to who knows where to suffer the consequences of their stupidities. They had a web page... (i know...what's a Hutaree? I'll get to that in a moment.) Go look at it...check out the advertisers and the those guys are next, wouldn't you? Guns, explosives, training, even a youtube video is posted! Good grief, hand the Feds the evidence for chissakes! AND, of course, they are a Religious Fundamental outfit, just chock full of pastors and PhDs, Lawyers and other genius types I imagine. Anyway, they had a PLAN, and the plan was severely compromised by the ATF and god knows what other police-type agencies as part of the plan was the killing of a cop and then the slaughter of the persons who came to that cop's funeral. Never mind...they are gone away to spend some time behind fine iron bars in a federal pen somewhere, yes they MAY play golf!
or Tennis. An inside job if ever there was one, the grand jury indictment sure has a bunch of first person inferences that prove that point. Yep, really bright revolutionaries there. Like the communist party in the US during the 50's...half the audiences in their assemblies were FBI agents. HALF. Who needs Al Qaeda when we have our own home grown crazies? Remember Oaklahoma City? Yeah. Oh...HUTAREE...supposedly translate from the???? to "Christian warrior." And in keeping with that name, the material it has posted online reflects an outlook of violent religious confrontation. The Hutaree believe that acts of violence can bring about the final judgment prophesied in the Christian Bible, oh brother. Here's a video on youtube...there are others as well.