Saturday, October 23, 2010

China?! Trade With China? Why?

The US and it's citizens have taken leave of their senses. We actually TRADE with China. Why? What hath Nixon wrought? They are STILL a COMMUNIST country! Still, and have been since the late 40's. See this:

We avow great hatred of the Communist system of government but now we enhance their dominence of world trade with every doo-dad we buy in Wal-Mart, Target or every other @!##@@! big box store about. Ever in search for "real bargains" we have trampled each other trying to buy cheap Chinese goods. Our companies are relocating to China too! And selling their shoes etc to US! What the hell are we doing here? We need to stop it folks! If you are interested in being a country at all. No, it's NOT Obama and the Democrats that brought you this mess. started with Mr. Nixon. Yes the goods started to flow shortly after his trip to China, read about it here:

So we have slowly, then not-so-slowly begun filling up the Chinese Financial system with our dollars. Billions and now TRILLIONS of dollars in trade to these Communists!
Are we nuts? What do we think, that they will LIKE us then and not bother to blow us to bits? They can instead of doing THAT...simply buy us bit by bit, day by day, toy by toy, galic buld by garlic bulb until we have no manufacturing, no farming, no
way to buy anything from anyone EXCEPT them! Yes, this IS the way it is going folks.
Your fine government has allowed and condoned this nearly irreversable trend for DECADES!
I'm aghast! We fight amongst ourselves Democrat against Republican or Ti Parti-ers when we ought to be paying close attention to every damned thing we buy folks...and don't buy Chinese goods anymore. Refuse whatever it is, and watch out at the grocery store too...Chinese vegies and meat are upon us and the USDA doesn't give a dman about imported food stuffs...that's right...they don't inspect anything imported. If the garlic had roots's probably US grown, if they've been trimmed out!
--- Total, Top 15 Countries 129.1 75.6%
1 China 35.3 20.7%
2 Canada 23.2 13.6%
3 Mexico 20.3 11.9%
4 Japan 10.8 6.3%
5 Federal Republic of Germany
7.5 4.4%
6 United Kingdom
4.5 2.6%
7 Korea, South
4.4 2.6%
8 Taiwan
3.3 1.9%
9 Venezuela
3.1 1.8%
10 France
3.0 1.8%