Friday, August 18, 2017

POTUS as NAZI; 74th Bithday; Bourges in the Rain

Charlottesville, VA and the death toll of one innocent anti-protestor reminds us how our democracy learns it's lessons.  The KKK, White Power and alt-right and the persons or person in Charlottesville that thought it was a terrific idea to have the rally by the group of angry white persons.  Somehow they never expected what happened, they were surprised!  Yes, surprised! 

A car accelerated at high speed into the crowded street full of protestors, killing a young woman and injuring several others.  The driver/suspect escaped in the damaged car and has not yet been apprehended.  Awful display of American angst over race and politics and framed by comments by POTUS Trump that somehow BOTH sides were to blame!??! Huh?  If the POLICE had done their jobs and protected all of the demonstrators maybe we wouldn't be having this bleak news week about another violent episode in our beloved US of A. 

I'm aghast that we as a country have fallen this low.  I'm also ashamed that active racist groups are allowed to parade in our streets under the cover of our Constitution..."freedom of speech" trumps EVERYTHING?!  It cannot be, it's a form of |"hate speech" which is banned, or, at least I thought it was.  Trump, rather than provide a calming voice amidst the screaming and yelling just fanned the flames of hate and mistrust with every tweet and comment he made.  This President needs to resign.  TODAY, YESTERDAY any second now, or be impeached for actions not becoming of a president.  Inciting violence? Being a raving liar?  Foe warmongering...anything, just rid the White House of DJ Trump and the world will be better for it!  Do it NOW!

Turned 74 yesterday, heard birthday wishes from all except my eldest who was silent through out the day.  Pissed at me I guess for something, ce' normale!  Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.

Off to Bourge this morning in the rain to do our shopping at NOZ, GRAND FRAISE, LIDL et al.  Wine of all kinds and cheaply bought at NOZ, I headed to the tables and found 22 bottles that suited our palettes (hopefully), a few other odd items and came away 63 Euros less.  Not bad, wine averaged about 1.90 a bottle in keeping with our new wine knowledge...everything in France that is wine is damned good no matter the cost!  Same with Spain and Italy by the way.  I love Chilean reds, South African whites and Peruvian reds as well and all these and more are found at NOZ.