Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pineapple Storms and New Tax

Yes the Rains in Spain are definitely raining on our plain! Days of the blanket has lent a decidedly wet aspect to our rather dry rainy season. Not a warm rain like many that come up from the tropics are (Pineapple Storms I call them). This one seems to extend way out into the Pacific and is a slow mover so it lasts and lasts though not in large amounts. It has managed to screw up my porch painting at the little house and wash my truck of the bird shit from the fine Red Tailed Hawk that has taken to nightly roosting in our Weeping Eucalyptus growing over the driveway.
He had done his/her own "painting" of my Ford pickup in the last two weeks. I can't wait for him/her to move on outa here so I can wash it off and it'll stay off.
New Tax, I was just laying here thinking of the stupid government giving away all those TRILLIONS of dollars to the Wall Street minions and the banking ripoff industry here in these United States and thought...we need it to be personal, so you and I can get a few bucks to buy stuff and get this damned economy running again like it should, after all this is/was a CAPITALIST system and we simply must participate to make it work. We just need money, that's the trillions of the publics money that the government is giving away to those worthless bastards. tax CUT will do what we want, never big enough, no rebate either...a thousand bucks is a drop in our need bucket...we need a constant source for all the little necessities of life, like gas, food, electricity, scotch, beer...those things that bring us old farts pleasure. So we don't get it from the government as they're too busy giving it away to CORPORATIONS (Worthless congress and that bastard 0ush started the flow), who is going to supply us then? Our KIDS!!! What a great way to pay us back for every breath they take...afterall...we BORE them or at least the female mother types did...we males were the sperm donors. I think there's a viable basis for a Kid Tax. Yes, they make it to 21 or some other age and from that month on for the rest of OUR lives they pay us some decent percentage of their net income which because it is after taxes (theirs) it will be tax free to us most deserving adult persons that bore them. Comments please...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama's Our New President, what a great day for the USA! And Win 7.

Now maybe we can all get back to work.
Win7, well a couple of natty problems keep cropping up. Transparencies when they aren't supposed to be there and Internet Explorer crashing without any keyboard entry...just sitting there and crashes, asks whether you wish to report it and restarts just that one tab. Machine stays up but IE reports that it can't read the page. Oh well, just a beta bug, what else you might ask? Nothing, nothing at all, it seems a Vista-like interface and a couple of new apps that I don't find useful but that's all there is to report at this time.
The interior painting is almost over at the little house, it looks pretty darned good and ready to rent or live in for the most part. Lots of 5 panel doors remain to be painted and the front and back porch need a second coat but that is about it. More lighting in the kitchen that's for sure, not bright enough for my taste.
Some new window shades to replace the old and broken. The more I sit and think the more I find that needs to be done, isn't that always the way these long term projects are? But with us moving in the doll-ing-up will continue forever, that I am sure of! I'll have pics for you either later today or tomorrow.

Monday, January 19, 2009

What Else is New? Win 7 and The Little House of Horrors

Win 7 is well on it's way as the longest continuously running Beta version of any OS I've ever loaded on any computer. Day in and day out it sends and recieves email messages, pages from the Inet, plays my iTunes library and allows me to watch my Netflix movies w/o a lot of fuss. Few irritations excepting that damned transparency thing I don't like no matter what version of Windows I'm running. I've turned off all the special effects and am now running in Performance mode seems just a smidgeon quicker at opening screens and programs load a bit quicker but it's certainly NOT dramatic so keep it at the defaults if you like and let the programs decide what they want to activate for your eyes only (should be a movie title don't you think?)
The little house of horrors repaint and repair project is nearing the final stages and today I go with daughter dearest A to her apartment in Sacramento to pick up 6 excessively large and cumbersome bookcases and haul them back to install in some room of the house before the move in date. When is that you might ask? Hell if I know, when the final coat of paint is placed on the final surface. We have painted two coats on everything and three on some walls and trim of Behrs finest Acyrlic Latex in gloss white and a Kilz color called Moonshine ( Meringue Peaks!!!!) or some such. It all looks deliciously pretty after the wholesale blotch job done by the previous renters. It was supposed to be a faux paint job, you know the stuff...and was carried off to the shame of this cute little house with a very heavy hand. Painted indeed over the doors with flats too! Awful!
Well off we go