Tuesday, October 04, 2005

And now...French

We, after a charming month full of familiar faces and typical French fall events, have taken on the French language once again. First a word or two about our language skills. We speak English, were taught English in school for year upon year as a required subject and one of us, not me, was a college English major! That said we have bought MANY French language books, dictionaries, phrase books, audio lessons on tape, French movies, music, five different French language courses on the computer and have a daughter who majored in French and graduated from college. So today we struck out at 2pm sharp to the Lignieres Tourist office to take advantage of thier brand new French language course as taught by our old friend Marie-Christine and an actual teacher Madam Herault. MC had told us there were some 14 brave souls who had commited to the class including us and it was so, even including the new english proprietor/chef of the existing restaurant on the square. It was a jolly group of largely middle aged english men and women (and one American pairing...us!) all chatting over the top of each other and looking like some sort of alien colony about to rise from it's ignorance. Crowded about the long table in folding chairs with our little papers and pens at the ready we were asked to provide our names and where we lived and how long we have been in France. We found ourselves to be among the longest here, now 4 years in regular cycles of 3 months until now. Some early indications of our skills or lack thereof some understanding of our language abilities by way of interogation we gained by the teacher Madan Herault. The classes were determined to be an advanced class and a beginner class to start this Thursday in the building alongside the tourist office. Twenty Euros (about 24USD) per month per person and a 11 Euro per couple (6 Euro per single) annual fee to go to the Tourist office. After a bit of discussion our teacher dismissed us to go our way and we would see her again at 3pm Thursday.

Kelly and I exited in the drizzle of the Fall and took off towards Bourges to examine a few cuisiniers (oven/ranges) at the requisite stores, the Geant (Gee-awnt), Carrfour (car-4), Darty and But (Boot). Row upon row were before us in each place and we looked them over top to bottom. We discarded the one electric burner idea and the electric grill both as detrimental to actually getting the new stove installed where the old one was. As it is we have to gain 2" - 6cm more room to fit the new one in the space. We finally settled on a pair of Brandt stoves that seemed to be what we wanted. Each was the larger size (an additional 10cms...about 2 1/2 inches) that we wanted as some of our skillets barely fit without falling off the current cooktop, they were white which matches all the rest of the appliances and it was in front of us. We called over the sales lady and after a few moments decided on one over the other as it had automatic start on the burners...no pilot, just a piezo-electric spark device on each burner and the oven. The other had a push button. Same price 499.00 and on sale today for $449. Not a bad price, we asked if we could take it with us, yes, they said, "the floor model". Kelly handed over her credit card and it was done in a few minutes as were several long 8.5 X 14" legal 5 part forms which had to be signed and stamped and put in binders and handed to someone else and put in a file folder...and that was the sales desk. We were told to go around back to the delivery area and give the person the copy we had of the 5 part form. A similar activity ensued at the delivery desk, with new forms made out, signed by the agent and us, copy to us, one in the basket, one in the folder and another just lying there with no place to go. Out came our stove in less than a minute! All wrapped up in plastic to protect the pristine white porcelin enamel and accompanied by a young man with yet another copy to be signed and stamped. He and I moved the stove to the awaiting car trunk and in she went on her side and scooted as far forward as possible and the hatch was closed and away we went the happy new owners of a Brandt cuisinier. Tomorrow the fun begins...installation. I wonder what Eric is doing after work?

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