Friday, May 25, 2007

A Day with Friends

Up with the dawn, read CNN, drink a few cups of espresso to get a charge on...then the doorbell, Brrrring...brrrring it goes. Kelly answers it as I'm vacuuming the upstairs now. I hear a "bonjour" as the front door was openned, a short exchange in French, not Bob yet, then the door closing. "Howard...(she NEVER calls me Howard), come down here...(Jesus, a command too!) sure enough, one of our wayward parcels has just arrived via France Post. Huh? Must be the one that was last to leave the US...mailed on the 22 of March (YES!) full of cast iron objects for the cooktop we brought from the US. Thank the gods! If that hadn't made it to us the new kitchens fine old relic of a cooktop with a built in grill would have been so much scrap iron. Amazing. Is there HOPE we'll see those other two again someday when our travels meet? Time will tell.
Brrrring, brrrring! It's Bob muttering outside the front door, come to help me with the old perenial leak in the bathroom about the shower plumbing. Down for coffee again and the inevitable story or six and opinion pages from the Bob Journal of French Life. We always enjoy these sessions, he is a genuine man's man and has worked his whole life doing an array of jobs too long to list and now has this farm outside Lignieres with all manner of animals. His are, without a doubt, the best eggs on earth and he always a warm smile.
An hour passes then UP and at the dripper in the wall. Solder, torch, flame shield in place and wet matches makes this a less than auspicious beginning of a dramatic repair. MORE

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