Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Jeudi, last one in Aout

Today, up at 3am (not on purpose, let's get real!)to watch the DNC nominate Joe Biden as Veep. So be it, he gave a nice speech underlining support for our troops at war in the wrong place and the necessity of getting back to Afghanistan to wipe out Al Queda and the Taliban once and for all. Makes for good rhetoric but we'll see won't we? Other speakers came and went and I kept feeling like, Well...where is he? Where's Obama? His wife was all over CNN's coverage but he was no where to be seen. Then there he was with Joe Biden's family and supporters on stage, all smiles and posture, made me proud to be an American at this moment in history, imagine...a black man running for President on a major political party! Hooray for all of us! Barack the Anti-Christ? Naw, just a new Senator with a following of hopefuls after the abismal performance of this White House. Our economy is a wreck, the war that was "Mission Accomplished" is still in the daily headlines and Osama Bin Laden has not been found, captured or killed so many years after Mr. Bush said we would get him. Ah, I'm sick of it, the Republicans are unhealthy for our country, war mad and incompetent at keeping their own Republican ideals. All of this EXCEPT they have handed the !@#@##! Oil Companies BILLIONS of dollars in profit without a cent of it going to ther average American. We need a Windfall Profits Tax NOW! As well as Low Cost and Available Health Care for All Americans, an education system that delivers the goods not just test results and support for our troops abroad that includes comprehensive medical support for the rest of thier lives if necessary. Enough.

The barn door rebuild continues. Today I hung new tongue and groove "bits" to fill out the top portion of the left hand door. I had my new glue to assist, it's a Gorilla Glue Ureathane clone that does the self-same fuzzy expansion that Gorilla Glue does and oh is it ever strong and sticky. Perfect for this application as it needs to be weather-PROOF as well as very strong. The new wood I've used is a good grade of T&G but it is French Pine (Pin) and much lighter in weight than the oak and chestnut that was used in the original doors. I dipped it in a fungicide and insecticide as a precaution against both dry rot and the little beetles that eat hole in everything wood hereabouts. The prject is progressing towards completion at a steady pace, not fast but sure...I WILL get this done before we depart for California.

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