The Farm 07-19-2010
Maybe we reached a crossroads yesterday about noon...maybe. You see EVERYTHING we own has been moved by us with a bit of help here and there from our trusty, lovely, intelligent and STRONG daughter Audrey. Every single item in this house has been hauled here from across the great divide...Suisun's Turning Basin aka "Waterfront". Every single thing lifted, pulled, shoved, hoisted, ensnared in ropes and straps into the back of my trusty ol' 1997 Ford Ranger for the 1 mile ride to Morgan Street. My neck is sore, my lower back tight and in pain, my arms ache, my wrists creak and snap and my fingernails broken...all in the efforts necessary to move in. Worth all of it? Oh yes, we love the place, the location, the neighbors, the batty older man who holds whole conversations with an invisible companion who answers his every comment as well. It is an INTERESTING place to put down roots. I've never lived in a place that had so many folks riding around in motorized wheelchairs, even our bestest politico J drives hers down the middle of the street to sit in front of our place and chat about the happenings in our dapper little town. It's all so warm and cozy.
I've taken to being attacked by bugs unseen in the last few days. I have raised, itchy bumps all over my aging torso and I don't like it one bit. Being a Trustee on the Solano County Mosquito Abatement Board doesn't have No Bite cards so I am picked on without fear of reprisal...while I sleep. Grrrr.
Just back from the morning run to the Swamphouse...guess what, now a file cabinet, a small but extra heavy one that has drawers that will not stay put, they fly out at the damnedest of times. Crunch! There goes another finger and fingernail. Ouch! We hoisted it into my truck and I drove slowly home contemplating the next step...which is getting the thing upstairs into the office. Grrrr again.
Home and the cabinet is at the bottom of the stairs with Kelly going through it NOW...?!?!? so it will be lighter for The Big Lift to come in a bit. Outside I refill the birdfeeder, water the north side bushes and tree and peer around the corner at the sliver of land nicely planted by our now long-gone neighbor. It suffers from lack of care, water and everything else...pruning included. I guess I'm adopting it if I give a damn at all about the plants and the appearance of that west side of the house. Maybe they think it's mine anyway. Who knows?! They're rarely home to ask.
Well down to bring the infernal cabinet upstairs. Bye for now!
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