Up at 6am sharp...pants on, shirt on, keys, coffee and toast and newspaper readings done. Off to The Swamphouse across town to clear out the clutter (I would say ONCE AND FOR ALL but I know better) from the front hall. Audrey came along and was a very good helpmate and worker as well as the runner for our lunch (SUBWAY Sandwiches). Sold some stuff...about 150 bux worth of mixed items...mixed meaning identifiable and almost clean but worth less than 5 bux. Lots of books at 25 cents each/5 for a dollar went into other hands. Very nice. It was easier than I thought it would be to tell the truth, I had been somewhat apprehensive as today is The Anniversary of the World Trade Center destruction.
I have an idea about today to help ease the pain of it, make Septemebr 11th a National Holiday to celebrate Volunterism and Public Service. Celebrate our Fire Departments, Police Departments, Emergency Workers, Highway Patrol et al. and use it as a call for volunterism. It could be a great follow on to Labor Day as well which just got over with last Monday. Two Holidays in the beginning of September? Sure, why not? There's nothing else except the beginning of Monday Night Football to celebrate this month. Seems logical and a needed thing to buffer the awfulness of this date in the history of our country. Talk it up, maybe we can make it happen!
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