OUCH! Smack, crash...tinkle, tinkle, tinkle. Driving home to Lignieres on the St. Amand Highway at 15:45 on a clear, blue sky day, hot even. Then Kelly exclaims, "Oh, a fox is running beside the road!" I glance to see it and lift my foot off the gas pedal...SMACK! A deer's head strikes the hood and it spins away to the driver's side and is gone. Shit! "Are you alright", she says as I realize what I just saw and what happened. That quick...one second nothing...another...crash, tinkle, tinkle, tinkle. I pulled off at the turn out a hundred meters or so down the road, got out to examine the damage, yep, dent in hood, yep, front quarter panel screwed up, broken headlight housing, deer hair, bumper damage too...but it appears the heat exchanger for the turbo charger is still intact, that's good. Body damage is less costly than ANY engine part...maybe. Anyway it looks like about 2 grand to fix...a well...we, of course, have our trusty AXA insurance, so tomorrow off to the AXA office, a mere 2 blocks away and l'viola, that'll soon take care of itself. Back into the car and turn around to collect a nice, warm, soft brown female deer for upcoming dinner use. "Where is she?,"no blood either", long gone like a turkey through the corn...only this is thickly wooded...well...woods. No sign of her dying self, so no damaged-care-bonus this time. Shit, shit, shit! Would have been GOOD...in that GOOD eating way.
AXA...one level down from full coverage and the damned damage would have been paid for...need I say more? It's on US! Now I WANT that damned DEER! Eat it's fine, mildly flavored liver and sweetbreads, remove it's fine haunches for roasts and the shanks will make fine braising. The shoulder can be a bit tough but...I DID tenderize it somewhat, at least one side. The skin would make a nice pair of trousers too for hunting. The head I's mount after removing the fine BRAIN (which it didn't use yesterday at this time) and scrambled with eggs, oh yes! The intestines would make a fine sausage wrapper for the sausage bits. Smoked maybe, all while I glare into it's dark beady eyes. YUM! Fuck it, get it fixed next year. Life goes on.
So Kelly went with Liz today to shop for some cool, summer-like clothing for our low grade canicule that we are experiencing...at least yesterday and today, maybe tomorrow? Who knows...not the fine French weather-persons, they are often NOT CLOSE! But it'll break, then back to clouds and afternoon storms, maybe hail, shit...snow for that matter. One never quite knows for sure. Kelly back from Bourges with some nice tops, all gauze-like for proper temperature control. Near nude is good right now. Into the shower to cool off for both of us...one at a time, Kelly first. Then me. Then Furry!!!! Sure...8-)
Take care folks!
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