Yes, this gets more interesting. Soon the "purser" arrives to chat with us re:The Service Animal (Cat). "You are the couple with The Cat", she asks. I look up from the magazine, "Yes." She whispers now..."I don't want to up-set you...but we have several staff who are allergic to cats". I said, "Then they shouldn't touch them". She grimmaced, "They swell up". Hmmmm, Kelly replies, "We KNOW...we will leave her in the carrier the whole time, we KNOW the rules". The purser whispers again, "I didn't want to upset you but..." Kelly says, "We know...she's under the seat, in her carrier, she's a Service Animal." The purser says, "Our people are very afraid!" I said "Reassure them." Kelly glared at her. "Ok" she said as she turned to walk away. The Captain announced "We have had a No Show ladies and gentlemen, so we've had to have the baggafor that passenger, it'll only be a few more minutes. We have NOT taken off yet, it is now 1:30 and the plane is just now rolling back from the gate! At 1:50 we are in the air at last! One Hour and Thirty-Five minutes we were supposed to be. Oh well. Kelly's IN her Kindle, deep in a read, mine is still in the overhead bin and it's just such a pain in the ass to get up and out into the aisle that I just sit and soon I'm eye's closed and nearly asleep when the Purser apears again with two small packages, "These are from 1st Class, just little somethings, I hope you'll realize how sorry I am all this has happened." We take the little packages "Just some hand lotion, and other things", she says. you" we reply and she rises and disappears towards the front of the plane. "Yea Gads, does it not end?! I say to Kelly and she rolls her eyes in response.
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