Sunday, April 07, 2013

North Korea...not on my Bucket List.

Boring, boring, boring...North Korean says this, North Korea says that.  Remember North Korea? No?  Well you's been the bane of the UN, South Korea, China and the United States since the 50's.  Remember the Korean War?'s not over 'til it's over.  They tore up the Armistice papers last week.  The North did.  Oh well.  Like a spoiled 2 year old in a grocery store, whining "I want Pebbles, I want a chocolate bar, can I have this car Mommie?"  Over and over again.  Boring, boring, boring.  Meantime it builds and sells weapons of war to our oh so friendly Middle Eastern relatives behind everyone's back. predictable.  We've TRIED to ignore the poor thing, stopped listening while it wriggled and flailed itself on the floor of world condemnation.  Basically they just kept on and on, whining away into the night of our lost sleep.  Stick a bottle in it's mouth for crissakes!  So we all got up and stuck whatever passes for a bottle into the petulant face of the leader of North Korea until that bottle was empty, then, guessed it...the crying and whimpering began again a couple of weeks ago and hasn't let up.  Time for corporal punishment?  Maybe...but we want one more incident before we and our South Korean and Japanese buddies bring out the belt.
I repaired (rebuilt is more like it) the east picket fence yesterday using Simpson Strong tie straps to retain the 2 X4 joists that insert into the 4X4 posts.  4 screws each after pulling them together with ratcheting straps post to post.  Worked like a champ!  Then fabricated a magnetic "latch" for the picket gate too, no more sagging gate and no mechanical catch to misalign either.  2 small but very powerful magnets strapped and cemented to the post and gate does it!  Not bad at all.  Audrey approved!
Baked two round loaves of "3 cup 9 grain bread".  One for the wonderful neighbors who sweep the catalpa's (our big old tree)      leaves from the street in front of our house when they do theirs.  Nice simple neighborly barter.
Ah, it's SUNDAY!  Big Newspaper day!  We take 2 on weekends, The SF Chronicle and the Daily ah...Republic, our local one.  Takes most of the morning to accomplish the feat.  So many sections, so little interest!  Fillers and paper ads complete the mix...about 1/2 of the load is junk, pure and simple and is largely discarded when it is come upon between sections.  I generally read the Chron first while Kelly gives the DR a go over.  Each of us form a pile for the other to rotate through with suggested readings spoken of and coffee spilled on the most funny or upsetting sections.
Breakfast happens sometime in the middle of the "Sunday Read", omelets, over easy eggs or a hash or waffles, pancakes or a portion of last nights dinner.  Then a mid-morning stretch, a look-see outdoors to observe the cat bowl area for small furry invaders "at the bowl".  Turn on the silly laser machine for Fur-Rr-Eee to jump about and pounce on like the 19 year old Kat she is.  Then back to the paper.  I like the Opinion pages best.

Love to you all! 


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