Well now...I'm getting numerous (up to 100/day) alerts from my shiny new Netgear DSL modem saying DOS hits, that's Denial of Service attempts. They are rejected by the software, nonetheless they do impact throughput rates when they all come at once as they do. My ISP has been sent the alerts and they are so very casual about them, like the weather I guess...you can see it but you can't do anything about them. Seems they can't even ID the sources, nor can I. They are FAR better equipped to sort that piece of info out so I could at least contact the Abuse facility at the suspect ISP...but...no...they remain uninterested.
The Kats, the ones you see above the page...they are nearly 3 weeks old, will be so tomorrow. None of them weighs a pound yet (.5K). All hovering between 8-11 oz except for the spotted one MOOCA who is but 7oz if that. We have been supplementing his "natural" food with a prepared milk as a way to assist him but we are both unsure at this time if he will make it. He seems energetic enough and suckles like crazy but there is no weight gain day to day. 2 others expired after about a week, they had no strength whatsoever and even though we hand fed them it was simply not enough. Sad.
Porch painting is going strong, not the color I wanted (dark grey desired) but we have 3 gallons of the stuff and a porch that needs it before winter hits so it's what we'll use for now. If it looks poorly I suppose we could go buy something darker.
Chicken Tacos for dinner, one of Kelly's favorite things and mine too! Easy to make and delicious.
Our own small tomatoes, the yellow pear shaped ones, cilantro, roasted red bell pepper, onion and adobo sautéed chicken thigh meat. Market tortillas, new brand to test tonight.
Take care!
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