Monday, February 24, 2014

A Better Day.... INDEED!

Oh yes, the 24th of February was a BIG DAY for Kelly and Howard Lute.  It was the day we tied the proverbial KNOT, we were married!  We had known each other for about 5 years more or less through our mutual employment at Control Data Corporation in SF.  I was just another friend among many through much of that time, I was busy, busy, busy with my "career" in management at CDC after a long stint as a Field Engineer in the same building.  Now I was an Area Manager running three "Fair Break" training programs for unemployed workers.  CDC, under JTPA contract,  built and ran these schools all over the country, something that should be resurrected in my honest opinion.  As my own contract at the training center in Union City had expired and there was no further renewal with the local agency that directed and funded theses programs, I had been promoted to help setup and run three new ones.  I needed an office with secretarial support and a team approach through the CDC Control Data Institute in SF was just the I moved into a spare office in the building I had left two years prior as an FE for Engineering Services.  Got that?   In that role I met my future wife Kelly, which I didn't know at the time.  Much transpired during the years I was there, a whirlwind by anyone's estimation.  By the end of 65 I was an "ex", divorced from my first wife of 19yrs and living with my best friend Jerry in Mill Valley.  In March of '66 I moved in with Kelly and we began our life together. We worked together, played together, travelled together much as we do now.  I've never been so happy in my entire life thanks to her. Happy Anniversary Babe!  Quack! 

P.S. Oh yeah (Being 70 is like this!...It's our 25th Anniversary!  May we enjoy 25 more!

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