Saturday, August 02, 2008

Red's Birthday, A Birthday Message.

My only son was born this day 40 years ago, about high noon as I remember not having a birth certificate to argue with. It was in a hospital in Mountain View, California. I had just gotten to work at Stanford Linear Accelerator where I worked as an IBM CE when the call came from my wife, her water had broken and a birth was immenent. So back to the house I rushed in my trusty 1963 VW Bug. We gathered whatever was necessary, namely HER and off we went to the hospital as fast as the lil' VW could go. We lived at that time in Campbell, near San Jose and the drive took about a 1/2 hour. The longest thirty minutes of my life, I swear. In through the emergency entrance we went and after that it was all a blur. I remember pacing the floor but it wasn't long before the boy child was with us. I was crazy with excitement! My own child, a first born and a boy child at that. Marilyn was aglow with that angelic mother-earth glow and I was so very proud. Labor had not been long at all and he was over 8 lbs! A big guy even then! O've never forgotten that time, it was exciting, fantastic and beautiful all rolled into one. Congratulations on your 40th oh son of mine and may you have many, many more.

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