Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Times They Are A Changin'

For sure I got my dream ticket into office! Hallelujah! A fresh breath of air after 8 years of fear and dread. The largess of the American people came through all the rhetoric, nasty lies and fabrications to see into the future and realize a BIG change was needed at the top. Congress is a Demo majority as is the Senate, noit the perfect storm of 60 that we wanted but that will likely change again in two more years when some other senators come up for reelection. The Rebublican Party is in deep reflection now trying to sort out their direction and associations and that will take a while. John McCain will go back to the Senate to heal and fight the good fight for what he believes in while dear Sarah Palin will return to Alaska to serve out her last two years as Govenor OR work her way into running a campaign for the Senate seat soon to be vacated by the convicted criminal Stevens as the Demos will want to vote him out of his seat and many Republicans will do likewise...too big a smear on themselves if he's allowed to remain in the senate after his conviction. Then Sarah will use her experience as a VP runner to win the Senate seat from the Democrat and go on to a 4 year career in the senate as a junior senator. 2012 comes around and who knows what she'll do...but I BET the Republican Party won't want anything to do with her. Too embarrassing for words. Yes Sarah, Africa is a C-O-N-T-I-N-E-N-T, NOT a country. Boy. Like I said earlier, Hallelujah!

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