Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nansulate To The Rescue

We purchased our 2nd batch of this miraculous substance and it was delivered to our door within a week, terrific! This time it came in one 5 gallon bucket instead of the previous single gallons. The target is The Big House across town where we plan on living for the next few years (if not for the rest of our lives..ahem!). I've rollered on about 3 of the gallons so far and completed the Living Room, Dining Room and will finish the Kitchen-To-Be, the laundry, back bedroom, front bedroom and the upstairs either today or by the end of the week depending...I have medical tests (routine annual-type) and dental appointments scattered throughout the time and that will serve to slow me down a bit. Nansulate goes on easily with a roller and spreads evenly by overlapping somewhat as you apply it. The odor is that of ammonia but is not objectionable and fades quickly. Even in the cool of the house at 60 degrees F it dries in about 2 hours. I allow a full day between coats as that is the way I work, not the way I could work as multiple coats in a day are certainly possible. Today I'll apply the 3rd coat to the remaining rooms that need it downstairs and move to begin the upstairs room.

Tai Chi last night was an easy session, I don't feel so very foolish anymore as I now can "Parting The Wild Horse Mane" across the room if need be , that and the Crane move can be roughly accomplished as well. So some degree of limited proficiency is coming forth to be modified shortly by our Master Practicioner's instructions. I do like the activity. It's good exercize, my failing balance as I age past 100+ years has improved and the damned "hitch" (muscle cramp in the side) has decided to take a break for a while. So...I'm doing well I guess, as well as can be expected.

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