Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Last Thursday was THE DAY! Now we are here adjusting ourselves and various objects of necessity to our new home. Do I like it? Yes,given we don't cram all the stuff we have in the old place into this place. I don't miss anything now...until I need it! Hard to cook without spices, pots and pans, oils, vinegars etc. We now assault the old place daily and remove to our new home whatever objects it seems we can,t live without. Fur-Kat seems to love the new digs. She spent the first couple of days investigating every nook and cranny, then has spent long hours bedded down on the couch and chair in the Living Room. She ventures tentatively outdoors once or twice a day, tail all bushed up and rerady to run back inside at the slightest noise or movement. Life is good. The train noises are louder and the raccoon actvity is higher. Last night was a wet, windy stormy night punctuated with the loud chatter and clammor of the raccoon family on the roof above the bedrooms. After some 30 minutes of activity off they went backing chattering raccoon talk down the tree only 2 feet from the bedroom window. I rolled over and greeted the dark abyss of sleep again.

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