Saturday, April 07, 2012

Back to work! <----Click the Title

The Deck of Nightmares is before me today, only the walking surface now of #2 or better (huh?!) redwood. The old rotten substructure has been rebuilt with pressure treated fir after demolishing the badly rotted and eroded underpinnings. The bloody trellis structure had backed completely away from the house fastenings too...and THAT was a bitch to fix. Finally accomplished two days ago after 2 weeks of rain delay. Then I started on the surface itself, cutting the 2"x6"x10' into suitable lengths and screwing them into the joists one by one. Hard on my injured shoulder from 10 months ago, yes, it still bothers me most days, a little, not a lot. After working hours lifting and tugging and leaning the shoulder gets weaker and more I quit and go home and collapse. The house is empty and very, very clean after Mannuel got finished scrubbing the floors and painted surfaces. Nice and ready to rent! On the water in Suisun, East view towards Mecca, sunrrom, large deck, 35 foot boat dock, yes you can fish from your own private deck/dock! 3 large bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. Oh and theirs an indoor swimming pool and a hot tub, also indoors. Spa tub in the downstairs full bath. Tile floors downstairs, wood floors upstairs. Great neighbors, worth the rent themselves! Quiet and beautiful! A full-time summer home! 707-428-4787 and ask for Kelly, she does all this stuff, I only work here.

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