Monday, September 09, 2013

Bowels? You there...answer please...Bowels? Bowels?

A little aside from the normal diatribe.  How often do you have conversations with your Large Intestine?  As you get older and stupider you will find that such conversations are more frequent and often quite intellectual.  I felt an uncomfortable gnaw in my gut yesterday afternoon, the first thing that happens to me is my brain goes on Alert status...something is Up...down there. 
Brain says "Hey you...Bowels?
Bowels weakly..."yes?"
Brain "What's happening?"
Bowels "Aw just PG&E".
Brain "Is it under control, you GOT it?"
Bowels "Ah...sure...I got it?"
Brain "Ok, you know your business, keep me advised."
Bowels "Sure Boss...I'll let you know if I need some help"
Brain" Alright, you do that..have a good afternoon."

After that...silence, then more gurgling and a burp, not a fart, a burp and a slight green tinge to it.
I went to the kitchen to set out the meal (mis a plus) for this afternoons dinner making event.  I had decided that I'd use the dandy Creamed Sugo I used last night for the pasta dish with the batch of White Shrimp I had in the freezer and do that over Basmati Rice.  The sauce was a dream, lightly creamed (I used Heavy Whipping Cream) regular Sugo (look it up online, use Fresh Tomatoes though for a milder flavor.  That with Hot Italian Sausage with Ziti made a lovely, wife and daughter friendly dish.  She objects to the tangy version of Italian Tomato Sauce recipes sometimes and this is a good flavorful answer.  Anyway, I laid out the Onion, Tomato, Carrot, Celery to be chopped for the Sugo addition to last nights creamed version.  To this addition I would again add about a cup of whipping cream.  Then Mr. Bowels spoke up.

Bowels "Brain, Brain...better sit down"
Brain "What is it?  I'm busy prepping dinner Bowels"
Bowels "I know, I know...but the PG&E has gotten worse, things are backing up down here."
Brain "Well Bowels, take control...tell the Legs to take you to the Crapper".
Bowels "I may no make it, too much PG&E, the pressure! The pressures going up!"
Brain "Well Fart and Go Bowels, Fart and Go!"

Off to the crapper I went licked split.  Got there just in time too!  One dump down and more to go!

Back to work,  Kelly prepped the shrimp and I used the head and shell to "Flavor-Up" the reinvigorated Creamy Sugo by a slow reduction over the next hour and a half, carefully minded.
The shrimp once shelled and cleaned (gotta, gotta, gotta! No sand and shrimp shit allowed!)
were placed in a Sous-Vide bag and an attempt at vacuuming out the bag went sour.  The lil' pump was working it's little pump ass off but there was no reduction in size to the tightly closed bag.
Now, this kind of thang has happened before when doing this vacuum packing craziness.  I can usually unseal the zip-like closure and reseal it, apply the pump and all goes well...but not this time it doesn't.  Amid my roiling gut and my new greenness I'm experiencing another failed sous-vide vacuum bag!  Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!  So I open the damned bag, clean the seal area and reseal the offending bag.  I apply the pump to the little area there by the corner and push the button down as I press it to the bag against the little ridges of Hawaii (Our Kitchen Island)...I make food on her northern beach.  There's no sand...most of the time...but lots of little ridges from the tile surface. 
You get the idea.  No go...I can feel the suction and hear it when I life the go with reducing the volume of the bag.  Shit! Shit! Shit!  So I just seal the bag, place it in the crock pot sous-vide bath AS-IS, weight it down with the Pestle from the Mortor and Pestel on Oahu (that's the smaller island just west of the refrigerator where the beans are kept in jars on the small beach) and set the temp to 131 degrees.  This should take about 35 minutes to cook. 

Bowels "Bowels to Brain! Bowels to Brain, come in brain!"
Brain "Yes Bowels, what can I do for you?"
Bowels "I gotta go shit again Brain...time out needs to be called."
Brain "I don't have time for this..." 

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