Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday, Just Like Yesterday...Only Different.

Up at 7, read scattered email of slight importance, seek cats for solace, find cats, get coffee, play a game of chess with some unknown player who beat me soundly.  I'm brilliant, then stupid at chess.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE "The Game".  Played it since I was a mere enfant (French for "child").  Highest I ever got was mid 1700's...then I fell off and back, apparently not soon to rise to that lofty place of True Heroes.  Now I struggle, especially at my end game play.  Stupidity reigns supreme.
I study chess problems and mostly figure them out...takes a bit longer these days.  Stupidity takes a much shorter time.

Off to Lowe's this am to get downspout parts, a couple of plugs for the now open ends of the new gutters and the guards to keep out leaves and such.  We have a plethora of trees about, oaks, ficus, beech etc. All drop copious amounts of leaves, especially now in the fall.  Back...I painted the fascia and placed a hanger, ripped off a section around the western side so I could get a downspout in that location before the rains come and slow my progress to a standstill.

Then on the gold coat I photographed yesterday for the eBay business I could not locate the bloody mfr. label.   Kelly saw that in the photos when she looked through them in prep to put the item on for sale and I went upstairs to photo the label and move it to our server.  A busy guy IU am...and now I'm about to debone a chicken, make stuffing and BBQ it.  How 'bout that!

Bye for now, I'm trying after all...

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