Sunday, April 20, 2014

Meoooow! Grrrrrrrrr! Phtttttttttt, Hissssssss

Mom Kat Abigale is ah...Hissed these days as her now nearly 8 month old kittens Mucca the Magnificent and Cara-Cature bother her by just BEING. She's like parents with children that haven't moved out yet at 25 yrs of age. I'd Grrrrr a bit and Hissssss too believe me! Mine own left the familiar grounds of home nearly perfectly if not employed they found jobs soon enough, they wanted to live elsewhere and soon did move in with others in a like situation or by themselves into something they could afford (not much but it was a roof and had running water). These kittens are staying, as of yesterday the She-Kat Amazonian Turkish Van Bitch is finding a new home TOMORROW. We LOVE her dearly but the hourly, "minutely" hisssssss and grrrrrrr fest has to stop before someone gets hurt...and it MIGHT BE HER! A young man we know as our plumber friend in days gone by NEEDS a Kat is coming to visit her Monday. Abigale is so dear and sweet and lap familiar that she would make him a fine companion we think. She still has a good bit of kitten in her too being only 18 months old or thereabouts, likes to play with anything she sees on the floor and is a student of the hours long window watch as well as a fine bed warmer at night, and she has all her shots and a transponder chip inserted and is spayed as well.. We shall see.

We are busy finishing up the Spring eBay sales. We've done exceptionally well this spring in fact and I've managed to move some old model airplane kits and shortwave radios for good money too.

Kat Pics:

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