Saturday, August 02, 2014


Really!  This has been a very wet, cloudy and cool summer season in France.  Enough rain that I couldn't de-weed the courtyard effectively until now.  Now my excuses are few, except I hate it and still don't want to pay for it to have it done.  So Roundup is now on all the weeds and greens growing where they shouldn't throughout the courtyard.  I put it in 48 hours ago and if it were warmer it would have all wilted by now, instead it looks much as it did, a pisser!  Anyway I hacked at the awful blackberry bushes and wild climbing roses that have inhabited the former courtyard garden circle hoping to at least gain some degree of control before winter and the real deluge begins.  Maybe the winter will be a cold, frigid one that would help keep the growth down too.  We won't know until we come back next year.

I've started filling holes used by the mice, ratons etc. to invade my kitchen...they have been largely removed thanks to the efforts of Cara Cat-Ture and Mucca The Magnificent.  They have done themselves proud.  Dozens made into snacks day after day, week after week.  Now I'm plugging the holes into the little larder and the room itself where pipes exit and have been widened by the mouse highway krew (similar to Cal Trans in California only more efficient!). 

Painting the front door has brought this on...this afternoons weather...Thunderstorms...bah, humbug!

Duck Breast for dinner, Brocolli, Cannoli Beans


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