Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Back In The USA...Oh Joy...

Here we find ourselves among friends and neighbors who speak English!  To finally be understood again!  Dead cars parked where they were when we left with one difference,  1 1/2 dead batteries, the Ford truck's was still alive, it started; alas the Prius' battery was so much lead and acid and no juice whatsoever.  It took a charge, enough to run our Cordelia Road a bit and circle around to come in Suisun's front door on Main Street but the next morning it was flat as an unleavened pancake once again. Shit, shit, shit!  Went to Auto Zone and picked up a motorcycle battery for 47 bucks and installed it sorta, bad practice but it starts and runs as it should, no check engine lights and red triangles.

Kelly, dear wife is down...her back is fucked, lower lumbar pain.  Off to Kaiser Monday morning. new doc, cute little Asian princess, smart as a whip and actually listens, asks questions and pays attention to your responses.  I'm impressed with her.  Orders multiple tests which we get the results to in about 2 hours!  Things I've never heard of...and they point  to kidney and liver disease, no surprise there, we're Lutes and Adams's.   All those years of drink have done there best to kill us off.  We halted all booze for a year and a half and only recently had added wine back to our diet, albeit intermittently only.  Guilt.  But the lump that is Mucca-Kat at 17 Plus lbs. was the start of her misery about 2 weeks ago.  Then there was the damned fall inside the train that bruised her beyond belief, big purple bruises, lucky she didn't break some bones! 

Needless to say her back has not been the same since!  Anyway, the doc ordered some powerful NSAIDS and a legion of those kidney function tests.  We are studying the results.

Some photos from France trip 2019:

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