Friday, October 28, 2022

2nd Printing...

 Yes, writing two days in a row for the first time since I don't know when.  Not typical at all.  Today felt almost like a winter's day, clouds aplenty, gray and flat.  Chilly and humid.  Up, I made the morning coffee and kissed Kelly as she yawned.  Drank the coffee, ate a bowl of Post Raisin Bran as did Kelly and after, rotated to the parlor to read the news and write this blog entry.

Cats, Mucca and Cara are still “at it”.  Hourly fights and runs at each other as the opportunity arises.  Strange to have these twins (same birthday) fighting after so many years of quiet activities.  I expect it when Audrey comes, just another person here to change the balance.  Can't say anything is different for them now, we are home for long hours. There are other cats in the yard that they don't interface with, oh they watch them through the windows or the screen door, but that is all.  I think it is done to get OUR attention and nothing else. Today's battle gave her a wound on her right cheek.  He is unscratched. Seems unfair.

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