Friday, August 20, 2010

Eggs from where?!

Good grief! 380 MILLION bad eggs...tainted with chicken shit..oops...salmonella bacteria. They want to investigate how they got that way. Hey, pay me I'll tell you! By laying eggs by the zillions below...the key word...BELOW chickens! Anyway, why oh why do we ship these things all over the US and ALASKA, yes...even ALASKA got some of these damned things. This is just an example of the problem of eating, consuming, buying goods that are from far off places. Whose Quality Control? The chicken did it's level best I bet to crank out another damned egg for the company, it was innocent but somehow, someway this lot of 380 MILLION eggs got shit sprayed on them. WASH ALL PRODUCE! WASH ALL CHICKEN MEATS! Now you can add eggs to those commands...WAS ALL EGGS! What else I wonder?

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